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A 13 year old is too young to be home ALONE with a Zach Bryan Merch Tour 2022, Zach Bryan Concert Los Angeles Phoenix San Francisco Seattle Morrison T Shirt. If there was another adult around, it’s a different story. Babies for example could need IMMEDIATE medical attention out of nowhere, something a 13 year old wouldn’t be able to provide. Also a 13 year old, probably doesn’t know all the things one should be aware of when taking care of the baby (because they are 13 and their job is to be a kid not a stand-in parent – parentification is a real problem). It’s too much pressure/ responsibility to put on them exclusively even for a few hours. This isn’t a matter of trusting the 13 year old, it’s about recognising what they can and should be expected to do. Changing a diaper and giving a baby a bottle is all fine and well, but what happens if the baby burps in their sleep and inhales their vomit? Or has an allergic reaction to something? Even if this wasn’t the case, good co-parenting is majorly about respecting your co-parents boundaries and what they feel comfortable with. OP clearly isn’t comfortable with his baby being in the care of a child, and that’s fair and valid. Not saying the mom is an AH, I’m sure she was just in a bind and tried to do what she thought would best accommodate everyone, but OP has every right to ask that his child be supervised by an adult. Now, when a similar situation pops up inevitably in the future, OP should work really hard with his ex to find suitable childcare. Communication is really the key OP. You and your ex can communicate what you expect/ need from each other, without judgement. Your tone was judgey – as if because of this, your ex is not a good or responsible parent, which is not the case. She is allowed to make a bad call, and learn from it. And for the sake of your child I hope you don’t go crucifying her for it.

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