Thanks for the memories Tina Turner signature shirt
Not wrong. The Thanks for the memories Tina Turner signature shirt in this thread are insane. Very “my parents beat me with a coat hanger and I turned out just fine!” attitude. Just because you babysat a newborn baby at ten and they didn’t die doesn’t make it safe or right. Girls have babies shoved at them way too young because parents are cheap and desperate and “it’s practice for motherhood!” My teen aunt nearly let my infant stepfather drown in the bath, this was told as a “funny” family anecdote for years. -I was forced to babysit (parent) my younger sister for years. I don’t want children (I already went through it once) and my mother thinks it’s hilarious. Like, thanks for ruining my chance at motherhood by shoving YOUR parenting responsibilities onto me. At nine years old I was babysitting alone in the house, got distracted by the TV, and my one-year-old sister got a toothpaste cap (the big squeeze caps) stuck in her mouth. I was able to get it out but if it had been something smaller, she would have choked, and I would have had no idea what to do. She would have 100% died that day. I was abused by a 12-year-old “babysitter” who had severe emotional problems. That person should have NEVER been left alone with another child. There are just way too many things that can go wrong when you leave an infant with someone who is still a child themselves.

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