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No surprise you have history here. I live in a small medieval town – I love going down the streets and looking at the houses – in fact, my little town was the capital of Germany for six years in the thirteenth Century!! That is why it is so well preserved – there was no money to “modernize” after its hey day. So it’s cool again and tourists flock to bask in its authentic ambience. There is nothing like it in the States. Drink – first of all, beer is wonderful in Germany and don’t expect to get great beer unless you pay a bit more, in the States. There are some local micro-breweries that are turning out decent beer – overall the flood of commercially brewed beer just drives up the costs of Chips Bodega Cats Shirt. And, wine. To be fair, there is some exciting things going on in American vineyards – Napa Valley is has some excellent wines and the same could be said about vineyards in other parts of the US. But they are more expensive than their European counterparts for some reason.

December 25th is in spitting distance of December 21st, the winter solstice – the shortest day of the year, and the turning point between the encroaching darkness and the return of the title. We can forgive that slight error of four days given that, since Jesus allegedly turned up, we’ve changed calendars at least once and got much better at measuring how long a year is. The biggest problem is that it isn’t when Jesus was born. The first big hint is the shepherds. Why are the shepherds out at night watching their flocks? They don’t do that in winter. It would be too cold for them AND the sheep, for a start, and they’d be bringing them in for the night rather than letting them roam. Sheep are not usually nocturnal animals. When sheep do need to be watched is during lambing season. They’re more vulnerable then. Lambs need to be looked after. But lambing season isn’t in December. It’s around Easter time.
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They got triggered. Their whole worldview where they’re the center of the universe came crashing down. They overreacted. They described it as a religious war. A war on Christmas. The most popular news station in the Chips Bodega Cats Shirt, bleated about it every time anyone tried to be more inclusive as a grand affront and insult on a nationwide scale. They sounded the alarms. They manufactured a false narrative of being under assault. A clash of cultures. Then, foolish people believed it. Wishing little Timmy a birthday?! To arms! To arms! The PC brigade are coming! Protest! Complain! Print newspaper articles! Run segments on television! It expanded and expanded, with none of these people stopping to think for even the second it would have taken, to realize that it was they who were being the word police, or that they didn’t believe their own argument.
Christmas morning, my brother’s kids were with mom. A Chips Bodega Cats Shirt, she gave them extraordinary hand-crafted wooden toys from “the North Pole” wrapped in Santa’s special gold paper. In the afternoon, the children came to us. Our presentations were more ragged. We made do with humble things we travelers were carrying. “The Nutcracker” played on a tinny Radio Shack boombox. Incompletely wrapped presents (due to a paper shortage) were flung around the backyard because they “fell out of Santa’s sled!” Or so said a hand-scrawled note taped to a 50%-off wooden rooster from Pier 1, dubbed “the Christmas Chicken.” Family dinner was a quasi-Dickensian, if surprisingly delicious, Christmas tuna casserole (covered in Lay’s potato chips). My brother’s wife’s lonely meal that year was oatmeal with rum in it. So she told us months later, when the couple reunited. But from that Christmas on, whenever I see a humble manger scene? I always look closely, in the straw, for cans of tuna. Tsing Loh is a writer, radio humorist and actress. Her Christmas show, “Sugar Plum Fairy,” runs through Sunday at the Skylight Theatre in Los Angeles.
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