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Bug Stomper We Endanger Species Shirt
A doctor called me after about an hour and days that our son was alert and resting comfortably in a step down unit near the ER, that his injuries were not life threatening but he would require facial surgery to repair a broken orbital bone around his right eye, and a crack in his forehead above the eye. He had a “mild” concussion, whatever that means, 1 broken rib and 2 bruised ribs, and a fair sized chunk of Bug Stomper We Endanger Species Shirt scraped off his right elbow but he had apparently not been unconscious at any point because there were no apparent mental defects or memory loss after the accident. We made it to the hospital about 3 AM and were allowed to see him in the step down unit. We waited to call his brothers and other extended family members until a more reasonable hour later that morning.

Lockerbie, Wednesday, 21 December 1988, 7.03pm Bunty Galloway had just sat down in front of the television to watch This is Your Life. Outside it was windy and cold. No one was out on the narrow street in front of her house. Many of Bunty’s neighbours were also watching TV and others were wrapping gifts. It was four days before Christmas. Suddenly, Bunty noticed a strange noise. She had never heard anything like it in her life. It was coming rapidly closer with a rising groan and title as if at any moment the noise would make the house explode like a kettle under pressure. When she got to the door to look out, the roar had abruptly stopped. Now it was dark and quiet. The electricity had gone out.
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Best Bug Stomper We Endanger Species Shirt
Most families in the West have a Christmas tradition. It may or may not include the character of “Santa Claus”. A person dresses up in a red suit and asks all the children what they would like for Christmas. Then the parents (one of which was actually the Santa Claus) makes a list and goes shopping for everything the children requested. One year on my list I asked for ice skates. Sonia Henie was a famous ice skating star and that’s who I wanted to be when I grew up. We were dirt poor and lived in a rural area. Yet somehow on Christmas morning there were ice skates! They were actually hockey skates not figure skates – I guess I forgot to make that clear to Santa Claus. But they were ice skates. And even on a frozen cow pond I was almost as good as Sonia Henie. Australia, like the USA is a big place and sometimes when it comes to branding, there are export brands which aren’t seen on a Bug Stomper We Endanger Species Shirt market. I guess one of the things which may seem odd, is that the typical Australian is not unlike the typical mid westerner.
Traditional Christmas pudding follows. Newspapers publish reviews before Christmas of which stores have the Bug Stomper We Endanger Species Shirt. Brave people with lots of time and money make their own. Most people pour brandy over it just before serving and set light to it and carry it to the table aflame. Traditionally, old silver sixpences were inserted into the pudding for people to find (and risk their teeth on) Some people keep this old currency just so they can put it in their Christmas puddings and then they are recycled the following year. Mince pies are also ubiquitous with most people offering a choice of mince pies or pudding (many have both but some don’t like Christmas pudding). Both are served with cream, custard or brandy butter. English Christmas meals are huge and can total up to 7,000 calories. The average British person puts on four pounds in weight between Christmas and New Year! Preparing this feast is time consuming and stressful for the cook. Many people have to get up horrendously early on Christmas morning to put the turkey in the oven so it will be ready for lunch although some people now have the Christma meal in the evening. Great long lists are written with timings on: “turn bacon rolls”, “put stuffing in”, “cook spouts” etc. in order to ensure all these multiple constituents are cooked and ready to serve together. Things often get stressful when some things are cooked and others not. For those with gas cookers, gas pressure does drop at Christmas lunch time slowing the process. Most people don’t have big enough cookers or enough rings to get everything done at once which results in a lot of saucepan juggling.
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