Sonoma Strong Sonoma Proud Tee Shirt
Sonoma Strong Sonoma Proud Tee Shirt
When i had my daughter i found it harder to make time for little visits. Recently he fell ill and was diagnised stage 3. Terminal. Given a couple week to a couple months tops. Its been 3 weeks but its all going down pretty quick. When i went to see him in the hospital he grabed my hand and held it for the Sonoma Strong Sonoma Proud Tee Shirt. My heart will never let go of that moment. Hes home in hospice now. I try to get over there every weekend but i dont know what to say. Im scared to look and have all thoes memories be replaced with these frail sick crying times.
Sonoma Strong Sonoma Proud Tee Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Ladie Tee, Vneck, Bellaflowy, Kids Shirt, Unisex and Tank Top, T-shirt

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